June 22, 2024 Play Test & Character Builds

June 22, 2024 Play Test & Character Builds

Welcome Hunters,

We brought this up in a previous blog post, but we will be back at Game Haven's Minicon at their BOUNTIFUL, Utah location on June 22, 2024. We were hoping to bring some new minis to this event, but we've unfortunately had some issues with the 3D printer, so it is unlikely we will meet this timeline. 

That being said, we will be bringing characters that have never been tested before, and we will be play testing items with the public for the first time. This is quite a large change from previous versions, and we hope to see you come out to try this new version!

We are in the process of building everything out for Tabletop Simulator, so if you're interested in play testing online, we recommend picking up that application on Steam. You can reach out to us through our discord or our contact page.

In addition, we will also have some fully painted minis to show off, done by Zeni in our discord. We've showcased Duncan online before, but no one has seen the next mini painted in person. We're really looking forward to meeting with all of our long-time friends, and hope that some of you find this post after we meet for the first time at the convention, as well. We are looking at other conventions we can join, so you have any ideas or suggestions, please send those our way!


Here are some of the details for each of our characters and the builds we will be bringing to this play test! (Please note we are still in development, and we're actively testing and balancing our characters. Everything you see below, including the names of items, are subject to change.)

Guardians: Auriell, Bjorn, Clayton, and Morren.

Auriell is an arcane warrior who loves to study and believes she can prepare for any enemy. 

  • Ability:
    • Auriell places a Parry Tokens on allies that deflect incoming damage.
  • Items:
    • Arcane Katana - Deals damage to all enemies in a straight line, gaining range with successes.
    • Arcane Blade - deals damage to enemies clustered in front of Auriell and pushing them away from her.


Bjorn is a berserker from the north whose favorite weapon is the axe. 

  • Ability:
    • Bjorn attacks an enemy. In doing so, he can sacrifice his own life to increase the damage dealt.
  • Items:
    • Boots of Leaping - Propels Bjorn into the air and toward his enemies. He can displace an enemy and deal damage, in addition to placing a Taunt Token on them, forcing that champion to attack Bjorn on their next turn.
    • Warhorn - Bjorn blows his warhorn causing enemies to flee from his rage. If he earns enough successes, he can control their movement pathing.

Clayton is more tank than anyone else in Gaia. 

  • Ability:
    • Clayton puts up his shield, adding Block Tokens to himself and providing cover for those behind him. He can't be moved against his will, and he can push others out of his way.
  • Items:
    • Giant's Hammer - Clayton knocks back enemies, then swings his hammer to deal damage to people around him.
    • Spear of the Mammoth - Clayton stabs in a straight line, pushing or pulling enemies.

Morren is a kid from Nordheim who is out to prove himself, and in the meantime he is meant to be the most annoying character on the battlefield. 

  • Ability:
    • Morren protects an area, intercepting any attacks that target his allies within, and rushing to attack your enemy.
  • Items:
    • Short Sword - Morren attacks in an arc around him.
    • Fist Weapons - Morren attacks multiple enemies, and if he gets lucky he can attack more than normal.


Assault: Delilah, Duncan, Jayna, and Virgil.

Delilah is royalty from The Veil, and she isn't afraid to subjugate her subjects even past undeath. 

  • Ability:
    • Delilah summons skeletal minions to attack for her. They each have their own movement of 3.
  • Items:
    • Exploding Skeletons - Summoned skeletons explode dealing damage to all enemies around them.
    • Undead Army - Delilah empowers skeletons to attack from their location.

Duncan was the most successful assassin in history, so much so that certain kingdoms still hold him on retainer just so he won't come back into the game.

  • Ability:
    • Duncan enters stealth, making it more difficult for enemies to hurt him, and empowering his next ability to deal more damage.
  • Items:
    • Backstab Dagger - Duncan deals high damage to a single target.
    • Garrote - Duncan subdues an opponent, not allowing them to move.

Jayna, also known as Wolfsbane, is a hunter from the wilds. 

  • Ability:
    • Jayna attacks at range with her bow, and fires off quick, powerful shots.
  • Items:
    • Exploding Arrows - Jayna attacks an area, dealing damage to all enemies within.
    • Trap Boots - Jayna springs backward, leaving traps in her path.

Virgil is a scholar warrior who likes to get close to the enemy and rake them to shreds with his claws. 

  • Ability:
    • Virgil leaps at an enemy, dealing massive damage.
  • Items:
    • Roots of the World Tree - Virgil heals an ally, and can get them out of scary situation.
    • Staff of Roots - Virgil places a Root Token on an enemy, getting rid of their movement for their next turn.


Support: Celest, Kai, Sybil, and Ujio.

Celest is the happy grandma that is more skilled at healing a single target than any other champion. 

  • Ability:
    • Celest heals an ally massively and pulls them closer to safety.
  • Items:
    • Staff of Penance - Celest deals damage to an enemy and pulls them closer to her.
    • Scroll of Binding - Attack a nearby enemy and place a Root Token on them.

Kai is a monk from a tribe that has learned to harness their internal rage and find balance in peace. 

  • Ability:
    • Kai creates a healing mist that travels down the battlefield, allowing him to heal from afar.
  • Items:
    • Gourd of Sake - Kai drinks from his gourd, hardening his skin and slowing him down.
    • Staff of Serpents - Kai sends a flying kick toward an enemy, sending himself and his target reeling in that direction.

Sybil is a hemomancer, a blood mage, that has no qualms drinking from the font that is others' life sources. 

  • Ability:
    • Sybil siphons the life force from an enemy, providing it to her allies.
  • Items:
    • Cursed Sigil - Deals damage to all nearby enemies, absorbing their next instance of healing.
    • Drinking Horn - Sybil stacks charges that allow her to heal allies when she deals damage.

Ujio, the adopted brother of Morren, runs his own ramen shop in the Crossroads. 

  • Ability:
    • Ujio throws a bowl of ramen on the battlefield, allowing his allies to walk into it's space and heal.
  • Items:
    • Throwing Pan - Ujio throws his cooking pan, providing Block to allies and dealing damage to enemies.
    • Wok of Cover - Ujio places his Wok on the ground, creating a place of cover for his allies and providing bonuses to allies that consume ramen nearby.

Thanks for reading, I hope you're excited about our characters and their actions! We look forward to seeing you in person at the play test, and in the arena!

Take luck, hunters!

-Quest Master Kayden

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