QFA Rulebook

Quest Forged Arena is an easy-to-learn, hard-to-master hero 

brawler. Pick three champions and battle it out with your friends!

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Win Condition: 

Knock Out: When you reduce a champion's health to 0, they are returned to their base, they are restored to full life, and the player controlling that champion receives a Knock Out Token. Whenever a player reaches 3 Knock Out Tokens, they lose the game. Remove all of their champions and tokens from the battlefield. If there is more than one player remaining, keep playing until a winner is declared. The last player to receive 3 Knock Out Tokens is the winner.

Base: At the beginning of the game your champions will start within your base. After each Knockout, your champions will return to your base in the same lane they were knocked out. It costs 1 AP to move a champion out of their base. They cannot be targeted, and you may not use any of their abilities while they are in base. You may not enter your opponent's base.


  1. Lay out Character Tracker Cards to make it easier to draft your team (Optional)
  2. Each player rolls a D6. Whoever rolls highest becomes Player 1.
  3. Player 1 chooses their first champion
  4. Player 2 chooses their first two champions
  5. Player 1 chooses their last two champions
  6. Player 2 chooses their last champion
  7. Each player puts their champions on their side of the Game Board
  8. Each player takes their 4 D6

Gameplay Steps

On your turn you may:

  • Use any number of abilities whose costs total up to 4 AP.
  • You can spend up to 3 AP on each ability.
  • After you use an ability, place an AP Tracker Gem to show you have used it. You may not use that ability again until after you have used 3 other abilities. After you play your 4th Tracker Gem on your Character Tracker Cards, remove all AP Tracker Gems from your Champions. This is considered a Reset
  • Move each character up to their MS horizontally or vertically.
  • Spend 1 AP to move a champion extra spaces equal to half their MS

You may only use each ability once per turn.

Key Concepts


Types of Abilities:

  • ST (Single Target) - This type of ability can also add Tokens, MS, or allow some type of Movement Ability (see below).
  • Versatile - This type of ability allows you to target multiple enemies individually. You may have a champion move in between the first and second Versatile action.
  • AoE (Area of Effect) - This type of ability has the largest area of effect. These abilities don’t target individual champions, but instead affect all champions within a given section of the board. For example, if you refer to the Game Board on Page 3, an AoE might cover all 9 spaces located within B4:D2.
  • Movement - See Page 5

Strategy Tips

  • Team composition and movement are crucial to succeed in Quest Forged Arena. Some abilities have a shorter range while others have a limited area of effect. To win, you will need to out-position your opponent to make it as difficult as possible for them to deal damage to your champions.
  • Suggested Team Comps: This is meant as a suggested guide to help you understand the roles that each character can fulfill within the game. 
  • Battlefield Control - you are going to use Clayton's large shield to protect your allies and provide a front line when you push into the enemy team. Virgil and Celest will be used to help move allies and opponents into proper positioning, even if just to protect themselves. Clayton, Virgil, Celest 
  • The Chase - This entire team is built to focus on single target damage and control. Disrupt your opponent's play by not allowing their assault or healer to ever feel safe. Morren, Duncan, Kai
  • Professional Hunters - This is a more difficult composition that spreads your strengths across the battlefield. Auriell provides AOE coverage. Delilah can create cover, attack from afar, and use her skeletons defensively. Auriell, Delilah, Ujio 
  • Burn Baby Bjorn - This team comp is all about ending the game as quickly as possible for both you and your opponent. Every turn you will attack, and which attack you use will be determined by what kills your opponent the fastest. Jayna will stay behind cover and deal consistent damage. Sybil will attack when someone needs just a little bit more health to survive to make another attack next turn. Bjorn will burn through his health quickly, meaning you have to target efficiently with this team. Bjorn, Jayna, Sybil