Realmwalker Studio Announcement

Realmwalker Studio Announcement

This is our first blog post! Moving forward, I plan to post one at least once every Wednesday. I plan to update you on where Quest Forged Arena is, provide updates on Quest Forged Crossroads, and release news of other projects and products that are currently in development.


I'd like to take some time to thank all of you who have hung out with us, played our game, and backed our book. We appreciate your time and energy so much, and I hope that we are able to provide more and more enjoyable experiences as we continue to grow.


That brings me to the title of this post. We are branding our company Realmwalker Studio. We're super stoked on the name, and we believe this is going to allow us to work on other projects, in addition to Quest Forged. We will be partnering with Goblin Trading Company to produce new products, and I look forward to their announcement as we get closer to them becoming reality.


Now that the announcement is out of the way, that brings me to updates!

Quest Forged Arena

  • Each character will release with a base ability that is attached to their card.
  • They will also release with 2 items that they will choose from at the beginning of each game.
  • 4 of our 12 characters that will be available in the base game have completed models. I will show more of these off in future blog posts!
  • A painted 3D model of Duncan is shown above, painted by Zeni in our discord (
  • We know our box size, and now have a finite limit of what can fit in there. This will help us decide what to keep in, and what we need to prune.

Quest Forged Crossroads

  • Chapter 1 was released for Kickstarter Backers!


Thanks for reading, please feel free to send in questions or comments! If you want updates emailed directly to you, you can join our email list at!


Cheers, friends!



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