State of the Game

State of the Game

Hi Hunters!

I'm super excited to talk to you this week, because we are making huge progress on Quest Forged Arena. Our latest 3D model has been completed by Rick Ramos, and our creative director, Steven Crowe, is working on getting the next two characters ready for modeling. Hold your breath, because those of you who are fans of Quest Forged: Crossroads are going to be happy. In addition, we have completed the builds for all 12 base characters, in addition to all of the characters we were hoping to have ready for Kickstarter.

We're planning on attending Game Haven's MiniCon for Free RPG day in Utah on Saturday June 22nd! We're still coordinating locations, as they have three storefronts, and we're trying to figure out if we can somehow make it to all three. I think the only way we'll manage this is going to be recruiting help from the folks who have played regularly enough to be judges. We're planning to have all of our characters with their most up-to-date character builds ready to play, and we are looking forward to announcing our most recent 3D models and having them available for play testing. We hope to see you there!

With all of our characters being built, that gives us more time to work on balancing. The addition of items creates even more player choice than we've seen previously, and it will be important to try to get all of those items to roughly the same power level. We are excited by the prospect of continuously releasing items, as this will provide us the opportunity to hot fix issues that may come up after the game has been released. It is also going to allow us to be a bit more creative in our product offerings, and we've started nerding out over how to provide a complete experience even if you're just buying a shirt to support the project. More on that to come.

If we're going to talk about how cool it is to have the characters built, let's introduce you to the core 12. We'll be following up with some more in-depth character breakdowns, but let's call this a first attempt.

Within the Guardian class, we have Auriell, Bjorn, Clayton, and Morren.

Auriell is an arcane warrior who loves to study and believes she can prepare for any enemy. She specializes in protective magic that parries incoming attacks, as well as enhancing her blades to deal damage to multiple opponents. She strategically pushes enemies into more dangerous positioning.

Bjorn is a berserker from the north whose favorite weapon is the axe. He sacrifices his own life to increase the damage he deals, and he controls the battlefield through movement abilities. Good luck running away from this brute.

Clayton is more tank than anyone else in Gaia. He has a giant shield that takes up an additional space on the battlefield and he cannot be moved against his will, which allows him to control a point better than any other character. He does minimal damage, but he can take a beating, and as long as his allies stay behind him, what could go wrong?

Morren is a kid from Nordheim who is out to prove himself, and in the meantime he is meant to be the most annoying character on the battlefield. He draws attention because he is anywhere and everywhere and he affects the choices his opponent can make (by making the only available choice to attack him). 

Within the Assault class, there is Delilah, Duncan, Jayna, and Virgil.

Delilah is royalty from The Veil, and she isn't afraid to subjugate her subjects even past undeath. Delilah wields necromantic magic that allows her deploy skeletal minions across the battlefield without placing her in danger. Be wary, though, her shoes are not meant to run in and leading skeletons to their second death is difficult work.

Duncan was the most successful assassin in history, so much so that certain kingdoms still hold him on retainer just so he won't come back into the game to disrupt their governmental structure. Duncan sneaks around the battlefield using stealth, requiring him to set up to pop off.

Jayna, also known as Wolfsbane, is a hunter from the wilds. She is a loyal friend to Morren and Ujio, and she is incredible with her bow. Jayna moves quick, shoots far, and is difficult to pin down. She's great at cycling through abilities to get back to using her abilities.

Virgil is a scholar warrior who likes to get close to the enemy and rake them to shreds with his claws. He has big turns that lead to slow cooldown resets and high movement if you're lucky.

The Support Class houses Celest, Kai, Sybil, and Ujio.

Celest is the happy grandma that is more skilled at healing a single target than any other champion. She is from The Veil, and is incredibly valued as an advisor. She's been through a lot, seen even more, and you definitely don't want her healing on your opponent's team.

Kai is a monk from a tribe that has learned to harness their internal rage and find balance in peace. He can fill the battlefield with a healing mist, or launch a flying kick that sends him and an opponent into the enemy's back line. With his high movement, he can even peel for himself.

Sybil is a hemomancer, a blood mage, that has no qualms drinking from the font that is others' life sources. She'll go to any means to take over the North, and while she may have some healing left over for her allies, only if she doesn't need it herself.

Ujio, the adopted brother of Morren, runs his own ramen shop in the Crossroads. He heals his friends by cooking incredible food, and he protects them through the use of his cookware. Ujio is incredibly fast, and can always get to his ramen faster than anyone else.


I hope this helps you prepare for your next game! Hunt well, fight fair, and we'll see you in the Arena! 

-Quest Master Kayden


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